

Glenn Tillman, Owner, Precision Bodywork, San Antonio, TX:

To see Glenn's logo and others, CLICK HERE.

THE WEB SITE ROCKS!!!! I was really speechless when I opened it- you did an EXCELLENT JOB!!! Tracy Fleming,, San Antonio

I needed a Web site for my Gung Fu and Tai Chi students. I had all these thoughts in my mind, but I didn't have them down on paper. Frank wrote the text exactly as I wanted it. It was almost as if he read my mind.
Bilal Amin, Five Animal Self Defense, Las Vegas, NV

Before Frank did my Web site, I'd average about 1 for 10 (cold calls to orders) for my cabins, garages and sheds. Now when they ask about my buildings, I tell them to visit my Web site. It's only been up for a few weeks, and so far I'm 3 for 3 for cold calls.
-Phil Wockner, owner, Sturdy Built Buildings, San Antonio, TX